Much-awaited installment of The Jailer is all set to the band on cinema in India this year. In the first month of the year the makers of the second part of the Movie Starring none other than Tamil Superstar ‘Rajinikanth’ with his official teaser/ trailer in the cine market. The trailer of the movie was released in Tamil, Telugu, Kannada and Hindi Language. Jailer 2 Movie will be released all over India next year 2026.
The makers of the movie are once again showcasing Rajanikanth in a new action avatar. The focus of the movie is on showcasing the new action scenes and location excitement for the fans of the ‘Thalaiva’.
About Jailer 2 Teaser/ Trailer 2025
The teaser of the movie Jailer 2 was released by the Makers of the movie on the auspicious occasion of the Pongal festival in Tamilnadu for the fans of Rajinikanth. In the trailer, two young men are sitting relaxed on the luxurious chairs and talking something about their-self in a peaceful location and the start of the trailer is quite calm and peaceful. But there are always hidden ‘Toofan’ behind any silence or peace. At the next moment, someone interrupted both of them and they were forced to sit in the corner. In the next few seconds, the violence covered the screen the first glimpse of the Jailer Tiger Muthuvel Pandian was in her Thaliavaaa look.
Name of Movie | Jailer 2 |
Teaser Dropped on | 14 Jan 2025 |
Director | Nelson Dilipkumar |
Writer | Nelson Dilipkumar |
Cinematography | Vijay Kartik Kannan |
Music Composer | Anirudh Ravichander |
Starring | Rajinikanth, Yogi Babu |
Release Date | 2026 |
Language | Tamil and other Indian languages |
Rajinikanth’s Film “Jailer 2” Release Date & Announcement
No doubt the movie is going to hit the cinema with hi voltage action of Superstar Rajnikanth. This year. Lots of the fans have shared their views on the X social media platform and once again claimed the movie will be another 1000 crore movie of Thalaiva.
The first part of the movie was also one of the biggest hit movies of the Tamil Superstar. In the upcoming movie, the plant is not revealed by the movie makers. In the released official trailer of the Jailer Movie the maker of the movie cleared that the movie will be packed with violence and action of Tamil superstar Ranajikanth.
The release of the movie is not officially announced yet but the experts are expecting the movie to release the movie in the festive season of the year 2025. As shown in the trailer of the movie featuring the director Nelson and Music composer Anirudh Ravichander and Rajanikanth only. The specs of Superstar Rajinikanth also got attention in the last scene of the trailer.
Jailer 2 will have any connection with the first part or not this will be clear after the release of the movie. The buzz of the upcoming movie has already been created on social media by millions of fans of the superstar. The movie will have a strong chance to become a Hit Tamil movie of the Rajnikanth. Apart from that, the first part of the movie was also claimed as a fresh story for the superstar.